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Ronald F. Murphy

No matter what your faith, his plainly spoken and readable narrative addresses the unspoken thoughts that linger in us all, as we seek to answer the age old question —
“Is there a God?


The Everyday Atheist, by Ronald F. Murphy, is an honest look at his growing skepticism within his previously unquestioned religious community. This book represents Mr. Murphy s first work in a series that will attempt to discuss the stark realities of taboo subjects from the unbiased perspective of the everyday reader. In his initial book he provides a clear account of why he adopted, questioned, and ultimately rejected religious faith. No matter what your faith, his plainly spoken and readable narrative addresses the unspoken thoughts that linger in us all, as we seek to answer the age old question Is there a God?




Ronald F. Murphy, though raised in the mildest of religious climates, eventually found himself immersed in a heavily Christian community within the deep South. In his work, The Everyday Atheist, Murphy provides a clear account of why he adopted, questioned, and ultimately rejected religious faith.


Through anecdotes and personal reflection, The Everyday Atheist examines this unpopular topic from the perspective of a passionately sensitive non-believer, and not from the emotionally detached standpoint of the oftentimes intellectually inaccessible scholar.


Murphy’s story will resonate with a wide range of audiences, from the millions of non-believers who identify with the circumstances of his conversion; to the skeptics looking for a kindred spirit in their uncertainty surrounding faith; and finally, to the religious masses who will appreciate the empathy that Murphy shows towards believers.


No matter what their faith, readers will appreciate this straightforward, vulnerable narrative that addresses the unspoken thoughts that linger within us all.


Ronald F. Murphy, one of three children born to Raymond and Catherine Murphy, was raised in the quiet town of Maplewood, New Jersey. Having parents as educators, his upbringing was layered with the clichéd notions that education is the key to a better future, and moreover a necessity for acceptance in our modern society. Thus, it was Mr. Murphy’s inquisitive nature and desire for learning that bred in him a healthy skepticism and ultimately led to his pragmatic search for answers to life’s biggest questions.



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